The amateurish experimental MRTE classification model is based on the concept "place",
    while the concept "place" is worked out into the concepts:
          -   inside and outside     (shortened as "in" and "out")
          - variable and invariable  (shortened as  "V" and   "I")

The 4 concept categories Matter, Space, Time, and Energy refer to 4 main attribute types.
                              Each attribute type is divided into 4 main quantity  types.

The configuration of 4 main attribute types x 4 main quantity types leads to 16 main concepts for
    a classification model of reality, which may be used as:
    - a model for a systematic dictionary
    - a model for a definition structure
    - a model of communication

Schematic classification of the MRTE-model

in/out-relation                    out-out     out-in       in-out     in-in                   in/out *1)

Variable/invariable-relation                                                               V/I

-   Category  meaning
K   Attribute quantity             unequal     great        small      equal                    

M   Matter    a shape              untrue      info         real       true                I-I         in
R   Space     place                route       reach        source     movable_particle    I-V        out
T   Time      transformation       out         out->in      in->out    in                  V-I        out
E   Energy    metamorphosis        counter-act result       cause      co-operate          V-V         in
              to shape

*1) The categories "Matter" and "Energy" refer to internal space.
    The categories "Space"  and "Time"   refer to external space.